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lovebird breeding





  Lovebirds are small African parrots that are know around the world as ALB which stand for African Love Birds. They are easily bred and kept as pets.
There are 9 species of lovebirds ( agapornis ) which are divide into 3 groups....which are the  White Eye-ring Group, The Intermediate Group and The Sexually Dimorphic group.
 Lovebirds got their names because of their affectionate nature that they have for each other as a pair bout in the wild as well as in captivity.
  They are found in the tropical parts of
Africa and  on the island of Madagascar. Agapornis species are recognized by their stout little bobies and short, rounded tails. All lovebirds are a part of the parrot family. On the average lovebirds are about 5 - 7 inch in lenght and weigh between 1.3ounces (38 grams) - 2.3 ounces (65 grams). Females tend to be slighter larger than males. They are consider to be one of the smallest species of parrots in the world. In the late 20 th century  many species  were imported into  the U.S. and other countries in  large numbers the Peach-face been the most common was imported the most..... One most have an undestanding of lovebirds species behavior because it is an intergral part of their care and management in captivity. Besides that it is their exciting and intresting behavior that make lovebirds so extremely popular. along with their natural wild colors and color mutations make them rank as the third most popular pet birds kept in the world... they rank behind the budgies and cockatiels in this respect.


...lovebird in the wild...
Many detailed obsevations were made of the 9 species of lovebirds in the wild. Lovebirds live in open landscape and high in the mountains range of Africa. They always stay  close to water as they are heavy drinkers. In this, they are different from other types of parakeets and parrots, which drink water only rarely. One of least known lovebird from the nine species of lovebird is the swindern's black-collared lovebird ( Agaponis swinderniana )  Which was discovered by Mr.O.J.Selby in 1862. The black collared live in the forest in small groups of up to 12 birds, they stay high in the tops of forest trees and seldom come down to the forest floor, this make them very hard and very difficult to observe. They feed mainly on rice, half-ripe corn, and figs. Experince as shown over the years that  these birds cannot be kept alive in captivity because they need a daily supply of figs which they feed on in the wild therefore they are not practical intrest to the bird fancier.


Lovebirds  are adapted to living close to humans  and are found in great numbers on cultivated farm lands, they are becoming extremely annoyance to the local farmers. Lovebirds live in small groups in the forests, plains, swamps and are found in the mountainous regions of Africa and Madagascar,... others frequent the open fields and farm lands.
  Agapornis species feed on various types of grass seeds, fruits, sweet berries, and a variety of grass, grains,and a few plants and insects.
  Lovebirds in the wild use fresh nesting material which they use quite a lot to construct their nests. Several species even transport these nesting material between  their back ,  and chest feathers. In the wild lovebirds live and breed in colonies,but will break away in smaller groups to share the good and bad together. In these smaller colonies  one of the stronger males will acts as the flock leader to settle  or intervene any little disagreements that present themselves and keep the group in harmony.....in any event their breeding hadits are rarely affected by these little squabbles. Lovebirds lay between 3 - 7 eggs and will take about 20-24 days to hatch depending on the species the incubation period veries. chicks will take about 35-46 days to leave the nest depending on the species.



The Fischer's lovebird (Agapornis fischeri, synonym Agapornis personata fischeri) . They are native to a small area of east-central Africa, south and southeast of Lake Victoria in northern Tanzania. In drought years, some birds move west into Rwanda and Burundi seeking moister conditions. They were originally discovered in the late 1800's, and were first bred in the United States in 1926. They are named after German explorer Gustav Fischer.

Fischer's lovebirds have green backs, chests, and wings, their necks are a golden yellow and as it progresses upward it becomes darker orange. The top of the head is olive green, and the beak is bright red. The upper surface of the tail has some purple or blue feathers. A. fischeri has a white circle around its eyes. Young birds are very similar to the adults, except for the fact that they are duller and the base of their mandible has brown markings. They are one of the smaller lovebirds, about 14-15 cm in length and 42-58 g weight.



The Black-cheeked lovebird is one of the 4 species from the white eye-ring group and was discovered by Dr.A.H.B.Kirkmaí in 1904 The first specimens reached Europe some three years later.

The existing ranges of the Black-cheeked are small areas of Zambia, Namibia, and parts of Zimbabwe It has the smallest range of all the nine species with the exception to the Black- collared which is the least known of the genus.

Surveys of the wild population of Black-cheeked indicate that it is Africa's most endangered parrot the initial decline of this species is believed to have taken place in the 1920 / 1930's by heavy trapping for the bird trade.

Habitat alteration, suitable water holes, destruction of mopane woodlands, resumption of illegal trapping and the additional threat being the irresponsible introduction from other area's of the Nyasa Lovebird limit the recovery of this species in the wild, which are known to hybridise freely with the Black-cheeked. The Black-cheeked is basically the same size as the Nyasa and apart from the colour of its head and upper breast it is almost identical as other features to the Nyasa lovebirds. The former are reasonably hardy in captivity but can be badly affected by conditions of extreme wet and cold.

The recovery of this species in the wild is limited by habitat is the most desirable and feasible option. The maintenance of a captive purebred population of this species is of the utmost importance as a safeguard against a loss of genetic variability or even extinction. It is important however to emphasize that the establishment of a captive population in no way diminished the urgency of ensuring the survival of this species is the wild.

The founder stock for a captive breeding programme must be selected with the greatest care and detailed records kept of source, age, ring numbers, etc. Contacts with other breeders should be maintained and also contact with the Rare Species Officers of the Lovebird Society around the world,also the efficient use of the Internet could be of considerable assistance is maintaining captive bred populations.

Black-cheeked lovebirds have been crossbred in captivity indiscriminately with other species of the AGAPORNIS genus resulting in quite a large number of fertile hybrids. These hybrids should be avoided at all cost or even culled to maintain the true Species.

The full detailed description of the Black-cheeked lovebird is available is many aviculturists textbooks however the following points may help with the visual sexing of this species. Generally hens have a flatter broader skull a more substantial beak and a wider abdomen and are more squat but slightly larger in appearance than the cocks. The colouration of the hen is similar to that of the cock except the plumage and the cheeks, which are often less black and browner in colour and a little less glossy. The forehead is less reddish-brown the neck is rather more green than olive and the orange-red to yellow upper breast area tends to be smaller and paler than in the cock. This lovebird is moderately noisy but is generally more peaceable than other of the genus although will occasionally quarrel if to confined. Its diet consists of a seed mix of various millets, canary, some Niger, hemp and a small amount of sunflower. They also like apple, cheese, pear and small amount of orange, chickweed, brown bread and seeding grasses. 

Breeding successes vary due to the small captive population available to aviculturists. This can result is loss of genetic diversity in the captive population, which could account for reduced fertility or fitness low hatchability of fertile eggs poor survival of young and increased susceptibility of disease. It is hoped that this article will encourage the true aviculturists/conservationists within our ranks to maintain a pure captive bred population of this species.

